Junk Raiders

Junk Raiders is a journey into junk salvaging, a thriving street-based do-it-yourself subculture built on the idea that you don’t need to buy new when everything you need can be found in the garbage. An alternative approach to building, ‘junk raiding’, quite literally, is about finding things for free, then finding innovative ways to recycle them, either into their original form or into something altogether different.
Our top junk raiders take up the ultimate salvage challenge: to turn an old factory space into a fully functioning, trendy, live/work loft in just one month. Their primary building materials? Other people’s garbage. The reason? To see if what the rest of us throw out is good enough to live in – and live well.
S1 : 6 x 60'
S2 : 6 x 60'
S3 : 6 x 60'
Production Company
Proper Television
Commissioning Partner